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TWI’s Clean Sky Projects in EASN Newsletter

Fri, 05 February, 2021

The latest news on four Clean Sky projects, which are coordinated from TWI were published as part of the January Newsletter of the European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN).

The TCTool project is focusing on the development of innovative end-effectors for jigless assembly of thermoplastic composite fuselage structures, and new adaptive tooling for the welding of thermoplastic fuselage skin to stringers and frames. The project is funded as part of the Clean Sky initiative under grant agreement number 865131.

D-JOINTS is focusing on the development of composite-metal joints with enhanced lightning strike protection through the utilisation of a sizing tool for the design of joints based on their thermomechanical and electromagnetic performance. The project is funded as part of the Clean Sky initiative under grant agreement number 887042.

PADICTON seeks to develop accurate and functional distortion prediction models for additive manufacturing of polymeric and composite parts. The project is funded as part of the Clean Sky initiative under grant agreement number 864819.

Finally, the TOD project aims to manufacture aeroplane doors through robust and efficient processes using thermoplastic materials. The project is funded as part of the Clean Sky initiative under grant agreement number 821192

You can see the newsletter here.