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Thermoplastics On Doors Project Update

Fri, 12 June, 2020

A newsletter for the ‘Thermoplastics on Doors’ (TOD) Project has been released. This aerospace project is looking into the use of thermoplastic composites to reduce cost and save weight in aeroplane structures.

The project’s overall aims are to demonstrate and validate the manufacturing process of thermoplastic door components, including an induction welding assembly process, additive manufacturing as well as metallic parts for the door mechanism and metallic and thermoset parts for the surrounding structure of the passenger and service door of an aircraft.

You can see the latest newsletter here and find out more about the TOD Project at the dedicated website.


The TOD project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 821192.